How to Select a Bank for your First Savings Account

You have started a new job and have used a reliable ctc calculator online and based on your salary probably you are also making plans to buy a home or a car. However, the first step is going to require a deposit — but you can’t just put money into an account. You need to make sure that the bank is right for you, so you want to take the time to find out how many different banks are available out there.
Consider this an advance preparing-to-start-savings guide. In this article, We’ll tell you what to look for in a bank and how to select the best one for your needs as well as how much money you might actually save by using it.
Selecting the right account
Banks have a number of different types of accounts, and the one you choose will depend on your needs. Savings and checking accounts are two of the most common types.
Savings accounts are designed to hold cash that you plan to use for short-term purchases or investments. You’re limited to how much can be withdrawn each day, typically up to a certain amount based on your age, so it’s important to make sure you’re not overdrawing your account.
Checking accounts are designed for regular transactions like paying bills or buying groceries — they let you make withdrawals in cash or by check. They typically require monthly fees, though some banks offer them for free if you maintain a certain balance across multiple branches within the bank’s network (sometimes called branchless banking).
Banks that charge low fees are better
Because banks often charge overdraft fees and ATM fees, it’s important to know exactly how much you’ll pay before you open an account. If you’re planning to use your debit card regularly and charge small transactions, you may be better off with a high-interest checking account than a low-interest savings account.
It should be convenient for you to go to a bank branch
One thing we don’t like about banks is the fact that they’re often far from our homes. For many people, this makes going into a branch inconvenient, especially if it’s late at night or on weekends when there aren’t many customers around. If you have to go into a branch for anything other than opening an account or making deposits, consider whether another way will be easier for you and your family members — perhaps by doing something over the phone or via email instead.
Interest rate
Knowing about the interest rates is extremely important whether you are using an nps returns calculator to know how much your pension savings will increase over time due to interest or whether you are opening a savings account. Interest rate basically refers to the money the bank will offer you in your savings account for storing the money. Banks may offer variable interest rates or fixed interest rates, which are different from one another. Variable rates change according to market forces, whereas fixed rates do not change unless you ask for them to be changed or if there is a change in the cost of borrowing money.